Laurel and Hardy Card Collection - Page 12

This page shows some of the cards from the Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne 1971 card set from Holland. That set contains over 200 cards of Laurel and Hardy, showing scenes from various movies.


Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne wrapper, issued in Holland in 1971


Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne card #56, showing a scened from "Brats"


Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne card #65, showing a scened from "Brats"


Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne card #69, showing a scened from "Brats"


Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne card #117, showing a scened from "Chimp"


Laurel and Hardy de Dikke en de Dunne card #146, showing a scened from "Liberty"



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