Exhibit Wild Colors 1920s Movie Stars

Issuing Company: Exhibit Supply Company
Country of Issue: USA
Year of Issue: 1920s
Color/B&W: Color
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size: 3 3/8" x 5 3/8"
Issued as insert with what product: Came out of coin-operated arcade machines

Notes: Checklist incomplete. At the moment, this checklist is a conglomeration of multiple Exhibit card sets that have some similar characteristics. The main characteristics that all these sets share are that they were issued in the 1920s (some may be early 1930s) and they all have a single color. There are some characteristics that are easy to differentiate between different sets, and some other characteristics that make it harder to differentiate.

Starting in about the mid-1920s, Exhibit issued a lot of color sets. Most of these sets were issued in multiple colors, meaning you could find the same pose with multiple colors.

To checklist these cards, I'm lumping them all together in alphabetical order by movie star. It is difficult to tell with certainty which cards belong in sets with other cards unless you find a big group of these cards from one set. In the future, I may attempt to break them down into indidual sets.

Click on the picture at the top of this page to view a picture checklist of this set.

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