Tattoo Movie, Radio, Theatrical Stars

Issuing Company: Orbit Gum Co.
Country of Issue: USA
Year of Issue: 1933
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 100
Card Size: 1 1/4" x 1 7/8"
Issued as insert with what product: Gum

Notes: Checklist Incomplete. Blank-backed. These cards came in packages of Tattoo gum, put out by the Orbit Gum Company of Chicago. This is a set of cards that started out blank and were supposed to be developed into photographs by the customer. As a result, there is a wide variety of quality in the developed photos. Some are crisp, while the majority are lighter, some are almost impossible to make out the actor or name, and some even look like negative images. There is also a set of self-developing baseball cards from this company with numbering that starts at 151.

There was an album issued with this set. The album came in at least three colors - green, blue, and black and may have come in other colors as well.

Thanks to Dan Calandriello for help with this checklist.

1. Johnny Weissmuller
2. Greta Garbo
3. Clark Gable
4. Lionel Barrymore
5. Helen Hayes
6. Irene Dunne
7. Ramon Novarro
8. Richard Dix
9. Katharine Hepburn (misspelled Kathryn)
10. Norma Shearer
11. Ann Harding
12. Jean Harlow
13. Lee Tracy
14. Jimmy Durante
15. Robert Montgomery
16. Marion Davies
17. Jack Pearl
18. Constance Bennett
19. Jackie Cooper
20. Wallace Beery
21. Joan Crawford
22. Ed Wynn
23. Marie Dressler
24. Claudette Colbert
25. Buster Crabbe
26. Bing Crosby
27. George Raft
28. Richard Arlen
29. Walter Huston
30. Baby Leroy
31. Wheeler and Woolsey
32. Ginger Rogers
33. Joel McCrea
34. Zasu Pitts
35. Dorothy Jordan
36. Joan Bennett
37. Maureen O'Sullivan
38. Leslie Howard
39. John Barrymore
40. Diana Wynyard
41. Buster Keaton
42. Dorothy Jordan
43. Joan Bennett
44. Madge Evans
45. Francis Dee
46. Karen Morley
47. Franchot Tone
48. Charles Farrell
49. Una Merkel
50. Dolores Del Rio
52. C. Henry Gordon
55. Jack Dempsey
58. Oliver Hardy
60. Dorothy Lee
62. Charles Butterworth
63. Robert Young
65. Zasu Pitts
68. Helen Mack
69. Elizabeth Allen
71. Primo Carnera
73. Mary Carlisle
75. Mitzi Green
76. Nils Asther
77. Bruce Cabot
78. Clive Brook
79. Dorothy Wilson
80. Colleen Moore
81. Wynne Gibson
83. Mae Clarke
84. Stuart Erwin
85. Judith Allen
86. Phillip Holmes
88. Florence McKinney
90. William Gargan
93. Stan Laurel
94. Jean Parker
95. Otto Kruger
97. Thelma Todd
99. Max Baer
100. May Robson

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