Vaissier Film Stars

Issuing Company: Victor Vaissier
Country of Issue: France
Year of Issue: 1930s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size: 2" x 3"
Issued as insert with what product: Soap

Notes: Checklist incomplete. It is unknown how many cards are in this set, but the highest number known is 12 and that might be the number in the set. No album is known. The company sold soap and toiletries.

Collector Serge Plumecoq provides a history of Vaissier as follows. It was in 1883 that Victor Vaissier took over alone the family soap factory created by his father in Roubaix in 1869. This eccentric genius endowed with a remarkable talent for publicity created Congo soap. The success was worldwide. He adorned his products with very colorful and visual labels and packaging. In 1892, he built a remarkable Hindu-Moorish castle in his working town, which was destroyed in 1929, after his death. The company eventually created two card sets - the film stars set checklisted here and a rare set featuring animals.

Thanks to Serge Plumecocq for helping with this checklist.

1. Greta Garbo
2. Henry Garat
8. Maurice Chevalier
11. Fernand Gravey
12. Leila Hyams

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