Margarita Gautier

Issuing Company:
Country of Issue: Spain
Year of Issue: 1936
Color/B&W: B&W (Brown Tone)
Number of Cards in Set: 6
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: This set shows scenes from the film Camille, which starred Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor. All cards show Garbo and Taylor except card #2, which shows only Garbo. Margarita Gautier was the name of the character played by Garbo. These cards all say Serie A.

Date info: The film "Camille" was released in 1936, so I'm placing a 1936 date on this set.

Thanks to Richard Minns for helping with this checklist.

1. Margarita Gautier (Greta Garbo - Robert Taylor)
2. Margarita Gautier (Greta Garbo - Robert Taylor) (card shows only Greta Garbo)
3. Margarita Gautier (Greta Garbo - Robert Taylor)
4. Margarita Gautier (Greta Garbo - Robert Taylor)
5. Margarita Gautier (Greta Garbo - Robert Taylor)
6. Margarita Gautier (Greta Garbo - Robert Taylor)

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