Kwatta Film Stars Series C 229-324

Issuing Company: Kwatta
Country of Issue: Belgium
Year of Issue: 1950
Color/B&W: Color
Number of Cards in Set: 96
Card Size: 3 5/16" x 5 1/4"
Issued as insert with what product: Chocolates

Date information: "Father of the Bride" was released in 1950, so I am placing a 1950 date on this set.

Thanks to Piet Gooijaers for providing most of the names for this checklist and to Amit Benyovits for providing the rest of the names to complete the checklist.

C. 229 Pedro Armendariz in "Le Fils du Desert"
C. 230 William Powell
C. 231 Louis Calhern
C. 232 Spencer Tracy in "Le Pere de la Mariee" (Father of the Bride)
C. 233 Lassie
C. 234 Ava Gardner
C. 235 Nita Bieber
C. 236 Kathryn Grayson
C. 237 Leueen Macgrath
C. 238 Angela Lansbury in "Le Danube Rouge"
C. 239 Esther Williams
C. 240 Lena Horne
C. 241 Judy Garland
C. 242 Lana Turner
C. 243 Valentina Cortesa
C. 244 June Allyson
C. 245 Gregory Peck
C. 246 Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman
C. 247 Claude Jarman Jr.
C. 248 Robert Taylor
C. 249 John Hodiak in "La Dame sans Passeport"
C. 250 Charle Laughton
C. 251 Katharine Hepburn
C. 252 Deborah Kerr
C. 253 Betty Garrett in "Un Jour a New York"
C. 254 Clark Gable in "La Clef sous la Porte"
C. 255 Walter Pidgeon
C. 256 Fernand Gravey and Luise Rainer
C. 257 Dona Drake in "Ca C'est New York"
C. 258 Clark Gable and Loretta Young
C. 259 Greer Garson
C. 260 Cyd Charisse in "Tension"
C. 261 Errol Flynn
C. 262 Nita Bieber in "Voyage a Rio"
C. 263 John Wayne
C. 264 Cyd Charisse and Richard Basehart
C. 265 James Mason
C. 266 Deborah Kerr
C. 267 Arlene Dahl in "Trois Petits Mots"
C. 268 Bridget Carr in "La Cle sous la Porte"
C. 269 Rita Moreno
C. 270 Melvyn Douglas
C. 271 Wallace Beery
C. 272 Red Skelton and Arlene Dahl
C. 273 John Garfield
C. 274 Beatrice Pearsons
C. 275 Esther Williams in "Jamais Deux Sans Toi"
C. 276 Frank Sinatra
C. 277 Mario Lanza
C. 278 June Allyson in "Une Rousse Obstinee"
C. 279 Gloria de Haven
C. 280 Angela Lansbury
C. 281 Greer Garson in "L'Historie des Miniver"
C. 282 Greer Garson
C. 283 Ann Sothern
C. 284 Spencer Tracy and Valentina Cortesa in "Malaya"
C. 285 Marylin Maxwell
C. 286 Vera Maxwell
C. 287 Leon Ames
C. 288 Jane Powell
C. 289 Van Johnson
C. 290 Esther Williams
C. 291 Gene Kelly
C. 292 Ava Gardner
C. 293 Fred Astaire
C. 294 Van Heflin
C. 295 James Craig
C. 296 J. Carrol Naish
C. 297 Peter Lawford
C. 298 Kathryn Grayson and Mario Lanza in "Le Baiser de Minuit"
C. 299 Ava Gardner and James Mason
C. 300 Preston Foster
C. 301 Angela Lansbury
C. 302 Jane Powell
C. 303 Lucille Bremer
C. 304 Judy Garland
C. 305 Betty Garrett in "Un Jour a New York"
C. 306 Ann Miller
C. 307 Lana Turner
C. 308 Katharine Hepburn
C. 309 Arlene Dahl and Robert Taylor
C. 310 Janet Leigh and Peter Lawford in "Le Danube Rouge"
C. 311 Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon
C. 312 Barbara Stanwyck and Van Heflin
C. 313 Laurette Luez
C. 314 Loretta Young
C. 315 Paula Raymond
C. 316 Jean Hagen
C. 317 Ricardo Montalban in "Tourment"
C. 318 George Murphy
C. 319 Ray Milland in "Ma Vie a Moi"
C. 320 Clark Gable
C. 321 John Lund
C. 322 Howard Keel in "Annie, la Reine du Cirque"
C. 323 Stewart Granger
C. 324 Kathryn Grayson

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