Krema Cine Sport 1st Series

Issuing Company: Krema
Country of Issue: France (Monteuil, near Paris)
Year of Issue: 1930s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 96
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Candy

Notes: This set contains film stars, athletes, and cards showing ships and scenes from cities. There was an album issued with this set called Cine Sport 1st Series.

Krema also issued a second album which was meant to hold the Cine Sport 2nd and 3rd Series sets. Krema also issued a 4th series Cine Sport album which held a set of mostly pairs of movie stars. And finally, Krema also issued another set called Buffalo Bill chez les cowboys which featured mostly western film scenes.

Thanks to Amit Benovits and Serge Plumecocq for help with this checklist.

1. L'll de France (ship)
2. Le Bérengaria (ship)
3. Le Maurétania (ship)
4. L'Homéric (ship)
5. Le Majestic (ship)
6. Assolant, Lefèvre, Loti. (aviation)
7. Le Brix (aviation)
8. Dieudonné Costes (aviation)
9. Charles Lindbergh (aviation)
10. Codos (aviation)
11. Réginensi (aviation)
12. Doret (aviation)
13. Sadi Lecointe (aviation)
14. Ludovic Arrachart (aviation)
15. Pelletier d'Oisy (aviation)
16. Marcel Thil (boxing)
17. Mme Mathieu (tennis)
18. Falk Hansen (cycling)
19. Eric Moeller (cycling)
20. Major Seegrave (auto racing)
21. Emile Pladner (boxing)
22. Alf. Brown (boxing)
23. Moïse Bouquillon (boxing)
24. Van Ryn (tennis)
25. Miss Ryan (tennis)
26. Jules Ladoumègue (runner)
27. Rigoulot (wrestling)
28. Peter Moeskops (cycling)
29. Lucien Gaudin (Olympics)
30. Gérardin (cycling)
31. Lucien Michard (cycling)
32. Henri Cochet (tennis)
33. Grassin (cycling)
34. Paavo Nurmi (Olympic champion)
35. Charles Pélissier (cycling)
36. Jean Taris (athlete)
37. Charles Paddock (athlete)
38. Major Campbell (auto racing)
39. Henri Padou (Olympic Water Polo)
40. Lucien Faucheux (cycling)
41. Robert Arnoux
42. Gary Cooper
43. Marlène Diétrich
44. Buster Keaton
45. Claudette Colbert
46. Lily Damita
47. Ramon Novarro
48. Charles Boyer
49. Jeanette MacDonald
50. Emil Jannings
51. Dorothy Jordan
52. Leila Hyams
53. Clark Gable
54. Greta Garbo
55. Joan Crawford
56. André Burgère
57. Edwina Booth
58. Tania Fedor
59. Françoise Rosay
60. Suzy Vernon
61. Henry Garat
62. Pierre De Guingand
63. Pierre Etchepare
64. André Dubosc
65. Dorival
66. Dréan
67. Saint-Granier
68. Maurice Chevalier
69. Thomy Bourdelle
70. Pierre Blanchar
71. Palau
72. Alger (city)
73. Tunis (city)
74. Venise, Palais ducal (city)
75. Venise, Cité des Doges (city)
76. Venise, la Basilique Saint-Marc (city)
77. Monaco, le Rocher (city)
78. Nice (city)
79. Monte-Carlo, l'Hôtel de Paris (city)
80. Rome (city)
81. Rome (city)
82. Londres, la Maison du Parlement (city)
83. Londres, Palais de Buckhingham (city)
84. Londres, le Pont de la Tour (city)
85. Athènes, l'Acropole (city)
86. Copenhague, Musée (city)
87. Londres, L'Abbaye de Westminster (city)
88. New-York, Gratte-ciel (city)
89. New-York, Cratte-ciel (city)
90. Paris, les Invalides (city)
91. Paris, l'Eglise de la Madeleine (city)
92. Paris, la Tour Saint-Jacques (city)
93. Paris, lat Tour Eiffel (city)
94. Paris, le Sacré-Coeur (city)
95. Paris, le Trocadéro (city)
96. paris, L'Arc de Triomphe (city)

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