Aiglon Film Stars

Issuing Company: Aiglon
Country of Issue: Belgium
Year of Issue: 1930s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size: 1 3/16" x 1 15/16"
Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: Checklist incomplete. This set contains back text in French and Dutch, indicating that the set was probably issued in Belgium. The text states that the cards can be turned in for rewards, but does not indicate what the rewards are or what product was used to issue the cards.

It is likely that these cards were issued with chocolates. There was an Aiglon chocolate factory in Clermont-sur-Berwinne, which was later owned by Clovis, and has now become the Galler Chocolate Factory.

Though only one Aiglon card has been studied, it has the exact design of the blank-backed Anon Biscuit Style - Color or B&W, Unnumbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame or No Studio Logo, White Border Set.

Thanks to Richard Minns for helping with this checklist.

56. Charlie Chaplin

Movie Star Biscuit Cards Sales List
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