Anonymous Film Stars (2 Stars on Front - Name and Studio Logo on Back)

Issuing Company: Anonymous
Country of Issue: Spain?
Year of Issue:
Color/B&W: Color
Number of Cards in Set: 1 13/16" x 2 7/16"
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: Checklist incomplete. Paper-thin. These cards may have been issued in Spain, they were obtained with other cards from Spain. They resemble the Gallina Blanca Estrellas de la Pantalla set that was issued in Spain, though the Gallina Blanca cards have a black frame around the picture of the stars and these cards do not. The backs of these cards contain the name of the stars. For most of the stars, a logo of their film studio is printed next to the name, though some of the stars show no studio logo.

Thanks to Richard Minns for help with this checklist.

29. Spencer Tracy - 24. Marta Toren
56. Sofia Loren - 212. Mario Cabre
185. Tab Hunter
213. Adolfo Marsillac - 135. Francoise Christophe
243. Jane Greer - 232. J. Pierre Aumont

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